Leading @Tech

Professional Development

This initiative aims to create a comprehensive learning program for people leaders at Georgia Tech to build capabilities in the areas of management practices, leadership effectiveness, and engagement and well-being.

The program will offer both formal and informal learning opportunities, including synchronous and asynchronous courses, along with a competitive, applied leadership cohort.

Who is this program for?

This program is for people leaders at Georgia Tech. People leaders hold managerial roles across the Institute, bridging executive leadership and frontline employees. Their titles may vary across schools, units, and research labs, but they generally occupy people-leader roles between Supervisor and Executive Leader.

People leaders translate strategic directives into actionable plans, oversee day-to-day operations, ensure goal alignment, and foster collaboration. They manage resource allocation, performance, and communication and serve as a connection between frontline employees and executive leadership enhancing productivity and mission alignment.

New People Leaders

Newly hired and new to supervisory roles with less than 24 months of experience in a management role at Georgia Tech

Experienced People Leaders

People leaders with more than 24 months of experience in a management role at Georgia Tech

This initiative aims to foster a culture of excellence and continuous personal and professional growth throughout the GT community. By providing targeted development opportunities, we strive to empower individuals to achieve their highest potential, thereby enhancing overall organizational performance.

Course Outcomes

Individual Benefits

Organizational Benefits

    • Enhanced leadership skills
    • Improved decision-making abilities
    • Increased confidence and motivation
    • Conflict Management
  • Better team performance
  • Increased productivity
  • Higher employee retention rates

Learning Tracks

blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Mandatory gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course Asynchronous/Online

This track focuses on the essential administrative and managerial competencies that every people leader should master to effectively handle their day-to-day responsibilities.


Foundational (Phase I) Phase II Phase III
Managing Talent blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Progressive Discipline Governance and Decision-Making gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course
Performance Management gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Hiring Practices Compensation, Promotions, & Awards
Interviewing @Tech gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Financial Acumen & Budgeting Proposal Development & Project Management
Leave Policies & Workplace Accommodations gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Terminations & Resignations Retaining Talent @Tech gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course
Leading with Excellence gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Succession Planning (Toolkit) gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course

This track highlights the essential soft skills and critical competencies for effective leadership, empowering people leaders to adopt well-rounded, people-centric leadership styles and abilities for personal and team success.


Foundational (Phase I) Phase II Phase III
Leading with Excellence gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course  blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Driving Engagement: Understanding Gallup Q12 Accountability
Mastering Leadership Styles Effective Delegation Skills gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course
Appreciative Inquiry
Leading Leaders
Impactful Conversations
Transformational Change
The Successful Leader
Confident Leadership

This track focuses on enhancing employee engagement and well-being at Georgia Tech, fostering a positive work environment through respectful conduct, effective collaboration, community-building, and resource awareness.


Foundational (Phase I) Phase II Phase III
Engage to Excel gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course  blue circle icon with gold check mark in the middle to indicate a mandatory course Work-Life Integration & Stress Management gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course
Psychological Safety 101 gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course The Science of Motivation
Effective Conflict Management Adaptive Leadership: Cultivating Neurodivergent & Mental Health Positive Environments
Stop, Look, and Listen (Interpersonal Communication & Conflict Management)
Bouncing Back from Burnout gold circular clock icon to indicate an asynchronous/online course
Inclusivity in Workplace Dynamics
Intercultural Awareness

This cohort track provides an opportunity for people leaders to leverage the knowledge and skills acquired during the program to address operational challenges at Georgia Tech, through real-life projects or simulations.

Integrating Georgia Tech’s Leader Competency Model into Our Leadership Program

The proposed Leading @Tech Leadership Training Program integrates Georgia Tech’s Leader Competency Model aligned with the Institute’s mission and values. These competencies can be broadly applied across the Institute and contribute components that are essential to Georgia Tech people leaders. The model serves as the guiding philosophy for leaders at Georgia Tech and focuses on the four competencies listed:

Acts Strategically

A leader who acts strategically will thoughtfully align work to the Institute’s Strategic Plan, set priorities, make data-informed decisions, and take action to deliver results.

Demonstrates Inclusivity

A leader who demonstrates inclusivity will show awareness of their own biases and actively seeks different perspectives and opportunities to connect and collaborate with others in ways that foster psychological safety and belonging.

Exhibits Social Intelligence

A leader who exhibits social intelligence can understand, manage, and get along well with others.

Develops Self and Others

A leader who develops self and others invests resources into professional development opportunities, creates a culture of feedback, and manages team dynamics.


Register for Courses

Leading @Tech Project Team

For support, please contact: