Student Employment
Resources for Student Employers
Glossary of Terms
Review the terms here to learn the language of Student Employment.
Eligibility for Student Employment Policy
The student employment policy has been updated to provide detailed guidance on employing students at Tech.
Student Job Codes
Student Position Job Codes
Student Employee Hiring Guide
NEW Instruction guide for hiring and employing students, inclusive of many relevant resources
Employing Federal Work-Study Students
Instruction guide for employing Federal Work-Study students
Student Employment Process Tips
10 best practices to consider when employing students
Spring 2025 Student Employment Timelines
Review these critical hiring dates for students working in Spring 2025.
Graduate Student Employee Offer Letters
Use these letter templates to welcome graduate student employees.
Undergraduate Student Employee Offer Letters
Use these letter templates to welcome new hire, rehire, or transfer undergraduate student employees. The New Employee template is for students who have not been employed or paid in two years, or students who were previously Affiliates and never completed the I-9 process.
Student Employee Checklists
These checklists detail the necessary actions students need to complete to finish the employment process. There is one for U.S. Citizens or Green Card holders, and one for Foreign National students.
Social Security Admin Letter
Template for Foreign National students who are in need of a Social Security Number. This template should be used by the hiring department as a letter of support. It MUST be printed on hiring department letterhead.
Contact Us
Have a question related to Student Hiring? We can help! Go to the ASC Portal to submit your inquiry.

Celebrate Student Employees
For ideas on how to show your appreciation to your student employees, download the Student Employee Recognition Ideas list.
Presentations & Resources
- Spring 2025 Student Hiring Information
- Graduate Student Hiring Overview – Fall 2024
- Federal Work Study: Process and Hiring Overview – Fall 2024
- ASC Best Practices for Onboarding and Manager Self-Service (MSS) Transactions – Summer 2024
- Recording
- Presentation
- MSS Transactions Toolkit
- ASC Training and Webinars
- OneUSG Connect Training Site
Additional Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
After my student employee graduates, how much longer can they continue to work?
According to the IRS, a graduating student can only stay in a student employee position (student pay group) until the end of the pay period that includes their graduation. Therefore, for a monthly employee who graduates on May 13, the last day of work would be May 31; for a graduating hourly student employee, the final work day would be May 13 (the last day of the bi-weekly pay period.) If you want a graduating student to work beyond those dates, they would need to be hired as a Tech Temp or other staff position.
Can my hourly student employee continue to work over the winter break?
Students in Student Assistant positions can continue to work and submit hours between the end of Fall semester and the beginning of Spring semester- if they are enrolled in both semesters and have supervisor approval. FWS students, although usually employed for the entire academic year, can only work when classes are in session, not during Winter or Spring break. Student Assistant -PURA students are only employed for a single semester and cannot work during Winter break.
How much should I pay my Student Assistant?
Federal minimum wage (in 2020) is $7.25/hour. However, the starting salary for most Student Assistant positions at Georgia Tech is in the range of $8 to $9/hour. The current median pay for Student Assistants is $10/hour and the average Student Assistant pay is between $11-$12/hour. Job duties should drive compensation; a detailed position description is particularly important if the pay is at above average levels.
Can I give my Student Assistant a raise?
Yes. There are currently no USG policies or restrictions on Student Employee pay increases. However, each unit should apply fair and consistent guidelines that apply equally to all of their student employees in similar roles. Generally, increases should be in the range of $.25 to $1 per hour increments. If a student’s job duties change and their responsibilities increase (for example, they are training or supervising other student employees), their pay increase may be greater. Best Practice: due to the burden the high transaction volume places on Position Management, do not routinely give increases each semester; instead, space them out to once per year, or every two semesters. Example: One common practice is to increase Student Assistant’s pay with an additional 50 cent per hour raise after completing two successful semesters working for the same department.
Can I hire my student as a GRA/GTA concurrently?
No, you cannot hire a student as a GRA/GTA concurrently because it will over calculate tuition remission. However, you may hire a student concurrently as a GA (i.e. GRA/GA or GTA/GA)
Can I hire my student for the entire academic year or must I hire them one semester at a time?
If there is a good chance your student will work for both semesters, you may proceed with hiring them for the entire year rather than each term individually. However, should your student stop working for your department at any time, please terminate them immediately in OneUSG Connect. They will not be able to be hired by another department until their employment is terminated for your department.
My student is taking a full course load. Can they work more than 20 hours?
No, students taking a half-time+ course load are limited to 20 hours/week because their primary purpose is being a student. If your student is taking a reduced course load (less than half-time), they can work 40 hours. However, their pay code will need to be updated to 03C because they will no longer be eligible for student tax exemptions.
What is the earliest my newly enrolled student can be working for the semester under a student paygroup?
The first day that a newly enrolled student can work in a student paygroup is the first day of the pay period that includes the start of classes. For monthly student employees, that will be the 1st day of the month. For bi-weekly student employees, you will need to check the payroll calendar to see when the pay period begins that includes the start date of classes.
My student is taking a reduced course load this semester, which means they are no longer eligible for student tax exemptions and now must pay FICA and GDCP taxes. What is FICA and GDCP?
FICA (“Federal Insurance Contributions Act”) refers to payroll taxes withheld from salaries that fund the U.S. Social Security and Medicare programs. If the student is required to pay FICA taxes, the Medicare contribution is identified as “Fed MED/EE” and the Social Security contribution is identified as “Fed OASDI/EE” on their GT paycheck. The Medicare contribution is 1.45% of their taxable income and the student employee’s share of the Social Security payroll tax is currently 6.2% of their taxable income.
GDCP (Georgia Defined Contribution Plan) is 7.5% of gross salary and can be reimbursed by the state after the employee leaves 03C pay group (either by going back to 03T or terminating employment).
What if I still have an unanswered question?
Please submit it via the ASC Portal.
Past Presentations
- Fall 2024 Student Hiring Information