GTHR Communications

Branded Resources

Welcome to the GTHR Communications Brand Resources page—your ultimate destination for all things GTHR-branded! Explore our one-stop shop for a comprehensive collection of materials that embody the essence and style of GTHR.

Email Signatures

Standardized email signatures offer an opportunity to uphold our visual identity in both internal and external communications. Consistent email signatures deliver a visually coherent look across Georgia Tech Human Resources (GTHR) and increase perceptions of visibility and access.

Use the Email Signature Guidelines and Templates to help us present a more unified, professional appearance for GTHR. These are strongly recommended for all GTHR employees.

Additionally, out-of-office messages can help support our customer service brand. When disconnecting from work email for an extended period (during time off, an all-day event, or even if it’s just a busy time in your department) using an auto-reply can create a positive and helpful experience with all of our customers.

Signature with Logo

Signature without Logo


We have two color versions of the GTHR logo available for your use:

We also have an all-white version of the logo.

Logo Usage Requirements

Please consult the Georgia Tech Brand Guidelines regarding minimum space around logos, minimum size, and photo backgrounds. If you have any questions, contact GTHR Communications.

GTHR logo usage requirements are:

  • Do not add a drop shadow or any other effects to the logo.
  • Do not use unapproved colors for the logo.
  • Do not use unapproved color configurations of the logo.
  • Do not place the logo in a container shape of any type.
  • Do not change the typeface of any part of the logo.
  • Do not rearrange the elements of the logo.
  • Do not add additional information to the logo.
  • Do not place the logo on a color that does not provide sufficient contrast.
  • Do not place the logo on visually distracting backgrounds.

To download, click the logo that suits your project.

Documents & Presentations

You can use the following HR branded materials as needed by downloading from the links below:

For added convenience, we have built out tables and headers for you to use. Whatever you don’t need, please remove.

Virtual Backgrounds

GTHR branded Virtual Backgrounds can be used in virtual meetings to limit visual distractions, and create a consistent look and feel for GTHR.

How to use the backgrounds:

Right-click on any of the images below and choose “Save Image As” to save it to your computer. Before joining a meeting, turn on your camera and select “Video effects,” then “More video effects.” Under “Backgrounds” in the pane that appears, click “Add new” to upload your image and set your background! Don’t forget to toggle off the “Mirror my video” by clicking on the gear next to “Video effects”.

Right-click on any of the images below and choose “Save Image As” to save it to your computer. Open your Zoom meeting, click the up arrow next to “Stop Video” and select “Choose Virtual Background.” Click the “+” next to Choose Virtual Background to upload your image and set your background! Don’t forget to uncheck the “Mirror my video” box option under Video Settings.