
Affiliate is an official Georgia Tech status granted by host departments to guests of the Institute or members of an affiliated organization. Affiliates must be participating in activities that support our Institute’s mission and require access to our campus facilities and/or our internal information technology systems. Affiliates are not paid on Georgia Tech payroll but are added to the Institute’s OneUSG Connect database.

There is no generic affiliate job code. Instead, there are six distinct types of affiliates:

  • Business Partners/Contractors
  • Georgia Tech Entities and Affiliated Organizations
  • Instruction/Counseling
  • Short-term Research/Access (less than 6 months)
  • Long-term Research/Collaboration
  • Former Paid Employees – no longer on campus

For job codes, definitions, examples, term lengths, and requirements for each type of affiliate, please review the Affiliate Categories chart.

Additional Resources

Visit ASC Portal at

Visit to access knowledge materials, submit requests, and report incidents directly.

Note: Postdoctoral Scholars with external award funding (fellowships and training grants from U.S. federal or private agencies) are no longer in job code 995XA7; instead use 918BOO. Use of this code requires review/approval by Research Faculty Affairs. Review Postdoctoral Appointment policy here.


Process to Add an Affiliate

The hosting Georgia Tech department must offer and initiate Affiliate status. The ASC Direct Hire eRequest form is used to begin the process to add a new Affiliate. All affiliates must have a Georgia Tech employee supervisor/host and a defined term length. Most affiliates require a background check. New affiliates will be emailed links to, and must complete, an electronic Affiliate Onboarding Packet.


Process to Renew or Complete an Affiliate Assignment

A Manager Self Service (MSS) fluid form is used to renew (reactivate affiliation or extend the end date) or complete (terminate before the originally requested end date) an Affiliate instance.

Access to the “Affiliate Compete or Renew” form, is from the MSS landing page; select the “My Forms” tile and click “Fill out a new form”. Detailed information about renewing or completing an Affiliate assignment is available in pages seven thru nine of the Action Reason User Guide, found here.

Please note: if the renewal requires an updated background check, the screening should be completed before the Affiliate assignment is renewed. To initiate a background check, submit a Background Request Screening Form.



After onboarding is complete and a Georgia Tech account is setup, the Affiliate will need their GTID number and proper identification in order to obtain their $30 Affiliate BuzzCard from the BuzzCard Center in Tech Square.

(Note: Postdoctoral Scholar Affiliates will be issued a “Faculty/Staff” BuzzCard.)