The University System of Georgia (USG) recently shared updates to the Human Resources Administrative Practice (HRAP) Manual. The updates are a part of ongoing efforts by the USG to clarify processes and procedures and include updated guidance that meets the current need of the university system.
The updates are wide ranging with some pertaining to criteria for hiring, recruitment, and employment. Others address expectations for employees to comply with rules on anti-harassment, gifts, performance evaluations and leave types. The University System and Georgia Tech review policies regularly to make sure they are timely and relevant to stakeholders.
Attached are the revised final versions of the most recent HR policy updates:
Employee Recruitment
- Revisions were made to address items from the Compliance Review and also added a requirement for institutions to develop and submit to the Chancellor the institution’s Senior Administrative Search process – per Board policy change in 2.6.3 Personnel Policies.
- A revised Senior Administrator Search Procedure Template was also reviewed and updated.
General Criteria for Employment
- Several revisions were made to address items from the Compliance Review, and also added language prohibiting institutions from ideological tests, affirmations, or oaths, including diversity statements in employee orientation or trainings per Board policy change in 6.5.2 Institution Freedom of Expression Policies.
- Added requirement that all mandatory training must be approved by the institution CHRO and President, mandatory training may not include ideological tests, affirmations, or oaths, including diversity statements, mandatory training is limited to what is required by USG policy, federal or state law regulations, and units and departments may not mandate training that is not approved by the President and CHRO per Board policy change in 8.2.5 Employee Orientation.
Equal Employment Opportunity
- Revised language to refer to the Board policy 8.2.1 for the USG EEO Policy statement due to Board policy changes in 8.2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity and 6.6 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment.
Prohibit Discrimination and Harassment
- Added language to require Title IX Coordinators to have a direct reporting relationship to both the President, or President’s designee, and the USG Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or their designee, and also that the President shall consult with the AVC for Student Affairs on significant personnel actions involving Coordinators per Board policy change in 6.7 Sexual Misconduct Policy.
- Added language to require the institution Coordinator to notify the AVC for Student Affairs or designee of any allegation(s) of sexual misconduct that could lead to suspension or expulsion of the Respondent(s), and that the AVC for Student Affairs, or designee, has the discretion to oversee the handling of the complaint per Board policy change in 6.7.2(A) Institutional Reports.
- Removed the term “academic standing”.
Voting and Court Duty Leave
- Added links to Board policies Prohibition on Certain Political Activities and 6.4 Political Interference.
Performance Evaluation
- Revised to add statement related to performance evaluation of faculty – that faculty will be evaluated based on the merits of their performance and qualifications per Board policy change in Evaluation of Personnel, Faculty
- Added clarifying language regarding the provisional period (180 days) which is equivalent to 6 months.
Gratuities and Guidance on Gifts from Vendors/3rd Parties
- Changed the title to Gifts/Gratuities and Employee Expenses Paid by Vendors.
- Added requirement for USG institutions to have a process in place to ensure that payments by vendors (or other third parties) of employee expenses does not create the appearance of or an actual conflict of interest, violate procurement rules, or serve to undermine the public’s confidence in the integrity of the institution.
- Added a new section – Factors for the Institution to Consider in the Approval Process.
- USO approval form is provided as an attachment for institutions to use as a template for their approval form.
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