
Cost of Living Adjustments

Within Georgia House Bill 916, the Governor and General Assembly have proposed a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for full-time, benefit- eligible state employees to be effective July 1, 2024. Eligible Georgia Tech employees will receive a 4% increase to base salary, not to exceed $3,000. 

The majority of pay adjustments will be completed in July, but there are many unique situations, such as mid-year hires, job changes, and leave statuses, that will require manual pay adjustments through the end of August.

Note: The information below is current as of May 23, 2024. Updates are ongoing. Additional FAQs and details will be published as soon as they become available. 

Who is eligible?

The 4% increase to base salary not to exceed $3, 000 is for all active, regular, benefits-eligible faculty and non-academic staff at Georgia Tech. The increase will be prorated based on full-time equivalency (FTE). Employees not receiving benefits, including temporary workers and those working less than 30 hours per week, are not eligible for the increase. There may be exceptions to the eligibility population based on unit structure and funding.

When will payments be issued?

  • Eligible employees paid biweekly will see the rate increase in their July 12 paychecks.
  • Eligible employees paid monthly will see the rate increase in their July 31 paychecks.
  • Academic contracts being renewed effective August 1 will see the rate increase in their August 30 paychecks.
FY25 COLA Town Hall

FY25 COLA Town Hall | May 23, 2024

Colleagues from Georgia Tech Human Resources and the Budget Office join Vice President and Chief Human Resource Officer, Skye Duckett. Together, they answer audience questions about the implementation of the increases.

Click to view Town Hall slides

Frequently Asked Questions


Who is eligible for the salary increase?

The 4% salary adjustment (up to a maximum of $3,000) is for all regular fully benefited (30+ standard hours) faculty and staff of the USG who are actively employed on July 1, 2024. Partially benefited employees working less than 30 hours and non-benefited employees, including temporary and those working less than 20 hours are not eligible for the adjustment. There may be exceptions to the eligibility population based on unit structure and funding. 

Are students eligible for the increase?

Temporary workers such as students, rehired retirees, and Tech Temps are not eligible.

Are part-time employees eligible?

Employees working less than 30 hours (less than .75 FTE) are not eligible. If the person is a regular, benefits-eligible employee working 30 hours or more (equal to or greater than .75 FTE) per week, they will receive the increase. Temporary staff and part-time staff working fewer than 30 hours per week are not eligible.

Are employees on limited term hire agreements eligible?

Yes, provided they are fully benefits-eligible, working 30 hours (.75 FTE) or greater and actively employed on or before July 1, 2023. 

If an employee moves from an eligible position to a non-eligible position (i.e., PT/Temporary position) on July 1, do they qualify to receive the COLA?

No, they must be actively employed in the eligible position on July 1 and be working a standard work week of 30 or more hours to be eligible for COLA.

Will employees on interim assignment be eligible to receive COLA?

Yes, provided they are active regularly benefited and are working a standard work week of 30 or more hours.

Where can I see my increase?

After July 1, increases can be reviewed in Employee Self-Service of OneUSG Connect by selecting the “Payroll” tile, then the “Pay” tile.

If an employee is eligible, will they receive a lump sum of $3,000?

No, eligible employees will receive an increase to their regular rate of pay.

Will COLA be included in offer letters?

No, COLA should not be included in offer letters. Applicants should refer to program eligibility. See Offer Letter Guidance for FY24 COLA.

Are employees currently on paid leave of absence, unpaid leave of absence, and short work break eligible?

Yes, eligible employees will receive the pay increase upon their return to active status.

Are Post Doctoral Fellows eligible for COLA?

Yes, Post Doctoral Fellows are eligible to receive COLA, provided they meet the eligibility criteria and pro-ratio rules.

How will the COLA increase in benefit premiums be processed for employees on benefits billing with Alight (unpaid leave of absence, suspensions)?

The COLA base salary adjustment will be loaded in OneUSG Connect with an effective date of July 1, 2023, but pay and premium increases will not take effect until they return to work.

How will the COLA affect summer semester salaries?

Summer pay will not change as it is based on the salary in effect as of May 31, 2024 . The salary adjustment is only intended to cover the standard contract and not summer earnings. Refer to related Policy BOR Summer School Salaries. 

Are foreign nationals eligible to receive COLA?

Yes, provided they meet eligibility requirements and visa conditions.

Are employees with future hire dates eligible to receive COLA?

If the employee has an effective hire date no later than July 1, and they meet eligibility requirements. Those hired after July 1, are not eligible to receive COLA

Timing and Pay FAQs

How will the base salary increase be taxed?

Payments will be subject to all applicable FICA Taxes, Federal Income Tax, and State Income Tax. Federal and State Income tax will be withheld at the employee’s normal tax rate.

Is the base salary increase retirement eligible?

Yes, the base pay increase is eligible for retirement benefits. 

Is an employee eligible for the salary increase if the resulting salary places them over the institutions's pay grade maximum for their job classification?

Yes, Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) are intended to offset inflation and retain valuable employees. Such adjustments as approved through the legislative budget process and USG policy may exceed the established range and should be appropriately documented/coded by the Institution. Institutions will need to decide whether their salary structure needs to be assessed and restructured. 

Will COLA be included in the offer letters?

No, COLA should not be included in offer letters. Applicants should refer to program eligibility. 

What is the effective date of the COLA?

The adjustment is effective July 1. Eligible employees will receive the COLA if they are actively employed on or before July 1.

  • Eligible employees paid biweekly will see the rate increases in their July 12 paychecks.
  • Eligible employees paid monthly will see the rate increases in their July 30 paychecks.
  • Eligible 10-month employees paid biweekly during the academic year will see the increase in the month of August.
  • Eligible Faculty on academic year contracts will see their increases in the month of August.

Those hired after July 1, will not be adjusted.

If an employee is scheduled to receive other increases to their base salary (i.e., promotion) prior to July 1, 2024, what date will be used to calculate the COLA?

The salary adjustment will be based on an eligible employee’s salary as of April 1, 2024. If an employee is hired between April 1, 2024, and June 30, 2024, the COLA will be calculated on their base starting salary. 

What is the effective sequence of salary adjustments?

Other salary adjustments that are effective dated July 1st will be applied after the COLA. Institutions that are planning to implement structure, market or other types of adjustments should apply those adjustments after the COLA. Any structure, market or other types of adjustments must be discussed with USO HR before implementation. 

When will benefits premiums be increased based on the adjusted salary?

Employees who are paid monthly will receive the salary adjustment, benefits adjustment, and premium adjustment for short-term disability (STD), long-term disability (LTD), and supplemental life insurance (SLF) coverage reflected in the 07/31 pay date. 

Employees who are paid on a bi-weekly basis will receive the salary adjustment effective 7/1; however, the corresponding benefit and premium changes to STD, LTD, and SLF coverage will be reflected in the 07/12 pay date. 

How much will an employee who is earning $75,000 or above receive for the COLA?

Eligible employees earning an annual salary of $75,000 or greater, will reach the maximum allowable threshold on the 4% COLA and receive a COLA in the amount of $3,000. 

Funding and Budget FAQs

What funding source should be utilized for the increase to base pay?

Positions funded via Resident Instruction General Operations (GenOps) (RIGO) have already received funding in the FY25 original budget. Departments with self-funded positions are responsible for funding the increase to base pay.